EcoMed ​Disposables

Dempsey + Delta

Transforming Biomedical ​Waste into a Safer Tomorrow


EcoMed Disposables offers an advanced, eco-friendly, and ​comprehensive medical waste disposal system designed to manage and ​mitigate the environmental and health risks associated with medical ​waste. The system integrates cutting-edge technology, regulatory ​compliance, and sustainable practices to ensure efficient and safe disposal ​of medical waste.Our system integrates advanced segregation methods, ​real-time tracking, and sustainable disposal technologies to address the ​unique challenges faced by healthcare facilities. By adopting EcoMed ​Disposables, healthcare providers can enhance safety, meet regulatory ​requirements, and contribute to a healthier planet.

Message From ​Our Leader

A Note from Our CEO

Dear Valued Customers and Partners,

Welcome to EcoMed Disposables. We are committed to ​revolutionizing the way medical waste is managed and ​disposed of, ensuring a healthier, safer, and more ​sustainable future for everyone.

In today's world, the importance of proper medical waste ​management cannot be overstated. It is not only a matter ​of compliance with regulatory standards but also a ​critical component of public health and environmental ​stewardship. At EcoMed Disposables, we understand the ​unique challenges that healthcare facilities face in ​managing their waste efficiently and responsibly.

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle


Sustainability Development Goals

we have target of getting carbon free from ​2030

SDG Industry Innovation and Infastructure Icon

industry, innovation, and infrastructure

In biomedical waste industry we

are the only one with this prototype

which is having potential to convert

medical waste into recyclable waste

SDG Life Below Water Icon

3R is our moto




SDG Good Health and Wellbeing Icon

good health and well-being

ThisAccumulation of waste in ​hospital will lead to spread of ​infection to patient which will ​further deteriorate their health

Key Indicator

Activity / Project

Data / Outcome

Your Key Performance Indicator goes here

Add a few details describing the related activities

What results did you obtain from your project?

Write them here.

Your Key Performance Indicator goes here

Add a few details describing the related activities

What results did you obtain from your project?

Write them here.

Your Key Performance Indicator goes here

Add a few details describing the related activities

What results did you obtain from your project?

Write them here.


Integrated Sterilizer & Shredder (ISS):

Next Steps

Where do you go from here? Sustainability reports are not just about looking back, but also looking forward. This SDG Progress Report is a continuous work in progress, a way for your organization to track its impact and improvements over time.

Twe provide B2B model which ​is cost effective and efficient at ​the same time. because of our ​prototype we are able to ​recycle most of the biomedical ​waste which was not possible


We provide measurement of ​waste produced and app ​intergration for better ​management


phasae 4 of our research will be ​like to go carbon neutral.

Rohan Wandhare


Most reports conclude with a page acknowledging the contributions of the people who worked tirelessly on the projects mentioned within. Below, list down the names of those committed to these projects, such as:

Ashwini Thakre

Om Virmalwar

Dipanshu Jindal